Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, page 817
The Reverend Nancy Guenther and Bishop Sean Rowe, now Presiding Bishop-elect
Our beloved Vicar, Nancy Guenther, will be retiring at the end of August. All are welcome to join us after church on August 25 for coffee and sweets to bid her farewell. She has served the parish of St. John's for the last 15 years and we will miss her cheerful presence, outstanding sermons and sure guidance.
On June 26 our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe was elected Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Church is a worldwide body of 110 dioceses in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean Islands, and various other dioceses across the world. The Presiding Bishop is the Chief Pastor and Primate for the entire Episcopal Church. The term is for nine years and the term begins November 1, 2024. The daily life of Episcopalians in our dioceses, in our regions and in our congregations will not change. The Standing Committee will contract with available Bishops to provide Bishop-specific oversight to us. Bishop Sean Rowe has been an outstanding leader and his leadership skills will be most welcome in the wider church. We pray for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe.
In September we will welcome Fr. Joseph Kozlowski and Deacon Robin Kozlowski as our regular clergy. They will serve as part of the Genesee Deanery Initiative, of which St. John's is a member. We will also have Morning Prayer, led by a lay leader on the third Sunday of each month.
We welcome visitors! Come and join us this Sunday.
We welcome all to our 10:30 service each Sunday. Our priest is the Reverend Nancy Guenther and our organist is Patricia Worrad.
Masks and hand sanitizer continue to be available
at the door for those who wish to use them.
Eucharistic Visitation
St. John's has a licensed Eucharistic Visitor, a lay person authorized to administer the consecrated elements at a Celebration of Holy Eucharist. Our Visitor makes home visits with communion for those who are not able to come to services. Contact the church office 798-3219 for more information and for appointments.
Coffee Hour is held on the first Sunday of the month, after the service. Come and join the group. There will be baked goods and fellowship!
We collect and deliver food to the Food Pantry at Thanksgiving and thank everyone for their generous donations.
Author Roland Howell had a most successful book signing at Lee Whedon Library to celebrate his book Some Short Stories. Donations to the library building fund totaled over $1000.00.
The Ministry of Concern
The Genesee Orleans Ministry of Concern is an agency of last resort and works to support those in the greatest need. St. John's has partnered with the Ministry for over a decade, collecting linens and distributing clean, mended sets through St. John's Linen Closet and providing personal care products.
Donating Linens
St. John's is a collection point for linens as mentioned above. We welcome twin, full and queen sized linens, including sheets, blankets, bedspreads and mattress covers as well as comforters and throws.
Call the office at 798-3219 to donate.
The Medina Area Association of Churches
St. John's is a member of MAAC and supports and contributes to the efforts of the organization. During the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, St. John's collects food and gifts for local families in need.
Each Fall St. John's holds The Blessing of the Animals and collects supplies for PAWS, the local pet shelter. PAWS can be reached at (585) 589-6397.
PAWS has need of paper towels, cat litter and donations of cash for operating expenses and vet bills.
St. John's is Part of Historic Medina
See St. John's Church in the Heritage Trail brochure. St. John's is listed as the Earliest Church in Orleans County. A wealth of local information is included in the brochure, designed by Chris Busch of the Orleans Renaissance Group and printed by the Print Shop in Medina. Tours of St. John's can be arranged by calling the office 798-3219.
Deacon Robin Kozlowski, Bishop Sean Rowe, Deacon Diane Cox
Deacons who serve in the Genesee Region. Deacon Robin serves primarily in Orleans County and joins us on the 4th Sunday of the month. Deacon Diane serves as Parish Nurse and in parishes in Genesee County.
The Rev. Nancy Guenther (L), Deacon Susan Firestine and Bishop Sean Rowe.
St. John's in the News
St. John's Church is featured on a poster by Tom Rivers, The Doors of Medina. The church was included in a new book, History of Sandstone in Orleans County, NY by author Jim Friday. Published in 2021, the book gives a number of examples of local buildings, including our own, described as having "charm and historical significance." Our doorway is also featured on a postcard, available for purchase at The Author's Note on Main Street and the Heritage Trail brochure.
Earliest Church in Orleans County
and The Church In the Middle of the Street
Partnership Online Worship
Since March 2020, hundreds of people across the partnership have gathered for online worship on Sunday mornings. A half-hour worship service continues to be offered on Sundays at 9 a.m. The format is a Zoom Meeting, which means participants can choose to have their cameras and microphones on to see and speak with one another. Preachers and worship leaders will be chosen from across the partnership. Once a month, the service will focus on prayers for reconciliation and healing.
St. John's Episcopal Church is located at 200 East Center Street in Medina, NY. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 699, Medina, 14103. Telephone (585)798-3219. Donations, memorials and pledges may be send to this address as well as any correspondence.